
Tag Archives | root canal therapy

Root Canal Tooth Anatomy

Clearing the Root Canal

A Deep Dive into Endodontic Therapy Root canal therapy is a cornerstone of endodontic treatment to save teeth affected by deep decay or infection. A critical step in this procedure is thoroughly cleaning and shaping the root canal system. Clearing the root canal is an intricate process that ensures the removal of all infected tissue […]

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Root Canal Tooth Anatomy

The Good News About a Root Canal

Root Canal Therapy Halts Pain! Many patients think “root canals” mean pain. In fact, this procedure is about pain relief. When a tooth is infected, a buildup of pressure causes toothache/tooth pain. And (since the nerve itself is damaged), conventional fillings won’t stop the pain. Instead, we use a “root canal” to get inside the […]

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Root Canal

All About Root Canals

What you really need to know about root canals. It’s understandable that you might feel a bit afraid when you hear “root canal,” but with modern anesthetics you’ll rarely be in any pain and it is a necessary procedure to save your tooth. Below we answer some of the frequently asked questions associated with root […]

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